

This category contains 14 posts

Adventure: Sixpoint Beer Dinner

Last night, I skipped running with my beer run club in favor of joining two of my best for Iron Abbey’s Sixpoint Brewery beer dinner. The Iron Abbey hosts a different brewery each month providing a five course meal with five different beer pairings and a representative from the brewery, sometimes the brewer(s) themselves, speak … Continue reading

Tonight’s Delicious Adventure

Barley Creek Brewing Co Verdict

Yesterday’s trip to Barley Creek Brewing Co was, in part, sponsored by Groupon. It was a 40 mile hike to the Poconos and while I enjoyed myself, the beer wasn’t anything to return for. I started off with the Angler Black Lager which was smooth but too thin, the same with the Antler Brown Ale. … Continue reading

Today’s Adventure: Barley Creek Brewing Co

Looking forward to the Angler Black Lager, Old 99, and Wanderlust Chocolate Porter. We’ll miss the brewery tour, but all brewery tours are pretty much the same. The prettiest is the Guinness tour in Dublin. If you can, make that happen. xoxo